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Thursday, April 28, 2016

Diego and Kieran need to admit their undying love for each other

So the title might seem a bit misleading and odd at the moment but you'll understand soon, I promise.
But first you need to know....
Lady Midnight is actually a real, beautiful, spectacular, physical thing and it was unbelievably amazing.
I have waited a year and a half for this thing and after the release date was pushed back, and then pushed back again, I honestly thought I would never get it.
Backing up a bit: Lady Midnight is written by the one and only Cassandra Clare who writes stories about  shadow hunters. Let me explain. Theses shadow hunters are half angel half human beings who's purpose is to  kill demons.
It sounds not as great as it actually is but I do a bad job at explaining things and it is actually so much better than it sounds.
For those of you who have never read a Cassandra Clare book go back and read all of them before you read this one because then this one will be 1000000x better. Then come back and read this post
So Lady Midnight takes place 5 years  after the happenings of TMI (The Mortal Instruments).
DISCLAIMER:  if you haven't read TMI or TID (The Infernal Devices) then this post will mostly likely sound like an advertisement.

So if you have not read a Cassandra Clare novel then, You should read all of them and then come back and read this. 
So we start off with this kid "Kit" who is supposedly a mundane who has the sight and is the son of Johnny Rook, a man who sells and buys secrets. Now I wanna skip ahead here and talk about Kit. So if we remember the shadow hunter Academy short stories there was one titled The Lost Herondale  then you remember the story that Caterina Loss told Simon about the Herondale child that she raised. At the time I really didn't think much of it. However, back to Lady Midnight, there was that one flash back to Jem telling Emma "you might not see me for a while, I have to look for something, its very important" we all know that its a descendant of that baby that Caterina raised.
Fastforward to the Mantid demons killing Johnny and Kit suddenly becoming a badass and throwing chairs on them, we begin to get suspicious. But right when Emma comes in and starts killing the demons then we see Tessa and Jem in the back ground I KNEW. I TOTALLY KNEW. When they started driving back and Emma was describing what he looked like and her thought process "oh he's totally a Herondale" was amazing. And now I really hope he's gonna live in the institute with the whole squad and its gonna be beautiful and I know I am not the only one who ships him with Tiberius.
Let me talk about shipping now:
So at the moment we have what I like to call a "love hexagon" that consist of Emma , Julian, Kieran, Mark, Cristina and Diego. I am honestly conflicted because obviously Emma and Julian are going to end up together, and they absolutely have to because there is no other way this is going to end and I will not allow it to end any other way. But with Mark and Cristina I want that to happen so badly but then I feel bad for Kieran and Diego because they are actually really great people and the only way I see this ending well is if Kieran and Diego admit their undying love for each other. This way everyone gets someone and I am happy in the end. Also I would like to see Livvy crushing in someone because that would be absolutely hilarious.
I am now going to end this post because it is really long and I'll just tell y'all my favorer parts in the next post.
See ya!

Its real. Its actually real.