About Me

Thursday, October 22, 2015


Has anybody every wondered why we get so attached to fictional characters?
Okay I should really say why fangirls (or that mythical fanboy out there somewhere) get so attached to fictional characters because your average person who casually watches TV and sees a movie or reads a book every now and again doesn't know what the hell I am talking about.
Now I think I can speak for all of everyone of the fandom world members when I say that the word "casually" does no exist in our vocabulary. We don't just "casually" "like" things; we obsess over them until they consume our soul, and our entire existence becomes devoted to that one thing. Whether its a band (member), TV show, a movie, or a book, it becomes our life and there is no way out of it.
This may sound extreme, but like I said, if "casually" isn't a word that exists in our vocabulary, then extreme is the only word that does.
Back to fictional characters: For me, it all started when I read Divergent by Veronica Roth for the first time (yes, there was a second time) and I decided I was going to marry Tobias Eaton, and Tris Prior would be my best friend. I became invested in these characters and they eventually became all I talked about. Like the only thing. That was it. Nothing else.
It shouldn't be a surprise that this really really really pissed off my parents.
Here's how a conversation would go:

Mom: So, Olivia how was your day?
Me: Pretty good
Mom: Bill How was your day?
Dad: I went for a wa-
Me: I think that Tris is gonna die
Mom: Oliv-
Me: Like actually though, she might not make it what is gonna happen to Four if she doesn't make it I mean will he ever love ever again? and I mean Tori, I really did not see that coming!! and Peter that little sh-
Dad: Do you ever stop talking?

... Basically...
It only got worse. By the time I actually got to Allegiant (the 3rd and final book in the Divergent series) it was spring break and my family and I were in a hotel in France. This was the first time I had been to Paris and in the end I'd say I had a good time, other than me sobbing for the majority of the week about the ending of that god damn book. I actually made my father read the whole series so I could have someone to talk to about it. For those of you who've read it, you know what ending I'm talking about. For those of you who haven't; what the hell are you doing with your life? Go read it. Right now.
A few years before this, there was of course the Grey's Anatomy emotional roller coaster that I won't even get into because I don't want to talk about Derek.
Thank you Twitter

But this whole obsession thing has just gone in a spiral motion for me, it started with Grey's, Divergent, and then the Cassandra Clare obsession who honestly deserves her own separate post. But I will say, that Cassandra Clare is the author of the Shadow Hunter chronicles which is becoming a TV show on January 12 2016  and I can not express how excited I am for this show to be real, I'm already obsessing, or I actually have been since the begging.

Okay that's enough obsessing for now.
See ya!
- Oilvia

calm down

Ok breathe...in...out...in...out
Alright thats not working!!! Who ever said "keep calm and carry on" didn't know shit about how things actually work because thats not doing anything!!!! Do you know how many times i've tried to just "calm down" and tell myself "it's all gonna be ok" in the past week? You don't do you!! But honestly we'd probably all be fine if we just learned that procrastinating is NOT the answer!!!!
 I'm back so soon because if you remember what I said in my last post about this being an assignment and that it had a due date that I can no longer procrastinate for? Well guess what I lied; you can literally procrastinate about anything and everything for as long as you need too. But why hasn't anybody realized that it's just gonna come back to bite you in the ass and then you find yourself staying up till 12:30 in the morning doing math homework that will probably take at least another hour to finish and it doesn't help that your mom keeps barging into your room to yell at you about how you still haven't finished your god damn math homework!!!
(In...out...in...out... Still not doing shit!!!)
The only way that you'll actually be able to be totally and completely "calm" will be when you have absolutely nothing that needs to be done, and you may be able to tell yourself that you''ll be fine for the time being and you can put that thing that you need to do in the back of your head and that may work until those obligations just float back up to the top and continue to nag and nag and nag which is when you decide that you may as well just kill yourself now to just be out of your misery.
But sometimes it hard to just go a head and to what needs to be done.
What am I saying? Its practically impossible to just do something the very second it needs to be done. I mean I am coming up with new and improved ways to just not do things.
For instance, after school everyday I go to a friends house and we do homework... most of the time... but lately we've been starting to do home around 6:00 and watch friends from 2:45 till then (that show never gets old). But one day while not doing homework we decide that we need to be doing something productive...so no we don't go do all of that homework that is due tomorrow and probably won't get done till the very last minute; we get the huge ass bag of M&M's from the pantry and decide to color coat them all.... It was probably the biggest waste of time in the history of the world...
We did it again last night...
But hey, its better than screwing with the Pythagorean theorem all night right? Unless you're someone who actually enjoys math then that was really an insult and I'm sorry (no I'm not).
 There really is no way to solve this problem unless you have motivation which is hard to get. So what you can try doing is just ignore the fact that you really really really don't want to do it and just take a deep breath, don't worry about not finishing it because you will eventually, and then calm down.
Or completely ignore everything I've said this entire post and just go back to not doing what you know you need to know.
I know that's exactly what I'm gonna do.
So really, the only time you're allowed to calm down is...

(well come on Pinterest gets it)
Bottom line people, thats all i'm saying.

By the way I still haven't had the time to read at all what with all the procrastinating so here is yet another link to yet another book tuber who's name is Natasha and she's fabulous: https://www.youtube.com/user/tashapolis

See ya!
- Olivia

Monday, October 19, 2015

My Mother Might Kill Me

Hello again!

First of all, the only reason i'm back this soon is because this is a school assignment that has a due date that I can no longer procrastinate for.
Second, its been quite hectic with the end of the quarter less than a week away which means I have had literally zero time to read and I'm really pissed about that.  But here is a  link to another favorite book tuber of mine because I wasn't able to do any recommendations or reviews today: https://www.youtube.com/user/Katytastic

So here in Utah, UEA is approaching and I don't actually know what it is but whenever you start hearing people say "oh, what are you doing for UEA?" that means its mid October, and there is a four day weekend that people have planned for. Like people have been discussing these plans since the last break. So now that it is finally approaching my mother has decided to yell at me a lot. Like way more than usual. Like I'm scared for life. It all started when she realized that she'll be cooking for, to quote, "50,000 people!" and  realized that she hasn't packed yet. Now this probably doesn't seem like that big of a deal, and under other circumstances it wouldn't be. But this is different.
Now let my take it back about 12 years to when my parents bought a house in southern Utah. When I was 3 I didn't have much of an opinion about it except that it wasn't as bright as Vegas was with its serious lack of stop lights (there are literally zero stoplights here). But it didn't take me very long to realize that this place is the land of the hippies with only 1 clothing store that strictly sells tye-dye everything and jewelry that, for some reason, is only made out of topaz. But if you weren't wearing any topaz or tie-dye then you were probably wearing khaki shorts, Birkenstocks, and a walking stick that you'll go hiking with. You can probably imagine what the people here look like. shortly after we moved here my mother decided she's just "not gonna give a shit" about what she wears when she comes. So this means her closet has accumulated and endless supply of sweatpants that for some reason only go to the middle of her calf, smart wool socks that go above the knee, t-shirts that either have hearts, stars, or peace signs on them, and these weird ass "arch supporting" shoes that she only wears when she comes here. But at least she's not wearing these:
Who even took this photo?

I mean seriously what the hell?
But back to my mothers poor choice of wardrobe. We've had this house for 12 years and it wasn't until recently that she decided to lose her shit and bring different clothes with her.
Ok so its partially my fault that she's out for my blood. If it wasn't for me pointing out how she usually looks when we come here, she wouldn't have thought to bring other clothes. After giving her this information, I realized what a big idiot I was and got  ready to run and hide under my bed for the rest of my life when she grabbed me by my arm, dragged me into her room and sat me on the floor with the intention of having me HELP her pack. But what really ended up happening was her showing me two options, me choosing one, and then her choosing to bring the other one. This went on till about 11:30 on a Tuesday night. Considering I had neglected to do any homework that whole day, I was panicking just a little. Eventually she released my and I then did homework for another 2 hours which was just so damn fun...
*4 days Later*
Holy shit she doesn't look completely homeless!! This is a miracle!!!
I have also managed to make it the entire weekend with my head still attached. I'd consider this break a success.
Also for those of you who can't get sarcasm, this post is very very very over dramatic and I love my mother,  I don't think she'd ever kill me so clam down.
See ya!
- Olivia 

Thursday, October 1, 2015


 I'm not a fantastic writer in the sense that I can never get a straight thought out. I can write essay's for class but when I try to write an actual story, it'll start out with kings and queens, and end with how lucifer died (which might make sense in some circumstances but when the middle of the story is about dancing turtles then it just can't end well). 
But what I can to do pretty well is read, way too much. But I also like to talk (way to much really). I've lost count of how many times i've been told to "just shut up already, we get it". I also like to tell stories (again, I just don't shut up) about any and everything from dawn till dusk. So what I'm getting at here is that this is a place for me to write about the things that I like to talk about no matter how sucky the writing is going to be, so if you're a reader and enjoy hearing stories from a somewhat awkward drama queen then ya'll might like what I have to say. 
Or not ;)

For my first post I've decided to tell a "traumatic" story form my childhood (what better way to start a blog) and give a few book recommendation's.

I used to be shy, like really really shy. Like I used to be "scared" of asking my parents for something because I didn't want them to laugh at me... This was at age 6.  9 years later my confidence has boosted quite a bit, considering i'm no longer afraid to tell the waiter at the restaurant my order. (But i'm just as awkward, theres no changing that).  But back to age 6: Have you ever done something that you regret the second after you do it? have you ever been filled with so much guilt that you can't really move that well? You see, I have. In my younger years I used to go to a coffee shop every single morning (we can all probably guess what this coffee shop is but for the sake of my still existing paranoia i'm just not going to say it). My father would buy his coffee, get my chocolate bar and then we would be on our way. But one day, my father forgot the chocolate bar so, instead of doing the rational thing and just telling him, I decide to just take the chocolate bar for my self and stash it in my pocket. Now being a 6 year old I was NOT fully aware of the concepts of stealing so this was not that big a deal to me at the time. Fast forward another year and I now know the difference between right and wrong, which of course means that the memory of the dreaded chocolate bar comes back to haunt me for the rest of eternity. My ability to overthink literally everything did not help me in this situation. 
 I started to think that if I were to tell my parents what happened then they would send me off to jail and I would never have a life. So I just held on to this secret for close to a year until eventually I did tell my parents to which they responded with laughing... But now that I'm a little older I've learned that i'm probably not going to be hunted down and killed for taking a 4 cent candy bar. But my ability to overthink literally everything has not changed and I'm working on that. Anybody else have this ability? Because i'd love to know :) (I use to many smiley faces.)


WARNING: I read quite bit of young adult so thats probably the only genre that you'll find on here.
ANOTHER WARNING : I am a teenage girl so that means that I use way to many exclamation points so if you're one of those people who think that over using exclamation points is annoying and unnecessary than you're just going to have to get over it or leave.

The Lunar Chronicles By Marisa Meyers - A sci-fi dystopian series about fairy tale retellings in the way future after about 2 more world wars happened. Now this might sound a bit cheesy or juvenile or whatever you want to call it but this series is spectacular and it is one of my absolute favorite!! The first book is Cinder (I didn't get the title till half way through the book when I learned what this series was actually about). Book 2 is Scarlet (red riding hood) the third book is Cress (Rapunzel) and the fourth book; Winter comes out in November. Heres a link to Marisa Meyers website http://www.marissameyer.com

Percy Jackson And the Olympians by Rick Riordan - If you like Greek mythology this is where it's at. This series starts with 12 year old Percy Jackson who has been kicked out of boarding schools all across New York because "weird things" keep happening, but he's not sure how. Eventually he ends up at Camp half-blood, a camp for demigods (half human half greek god). This series is 5 books long and follows percy and his half-blood friends until their 17. Then there's the spin off series called The Heroes of Olympus that still follows Percy and a few other kids from the Roman demigod camp. I'm not going into to much detail here at the chance of spoilers, but I will say that this series is so so so so hilarious. I'm pretty sure I fell out of my chair more than once from the laughs (and the feels of course). 

See ya! 
From yet another Drama Queen