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Thursday, October 22, 2015

calm down

Ok breathe...in...out...in...out
Alright thats not working!!! Who ever said "keep calm and carry on" didn't know shit about how things actually work because thats not doing anything!!!! Do you know how many times i've tried to just "calm down" and tell myself "it's all gonna be ok" in the past week? You don't do you!! But honestly we'd probably all be fine if we just learned that procrastinating is NOT the answer!!!!
 I'm back so soon because if you remember what I said in my last post about this being an assignment and that it had a due date that I can no longer procrastinate for? Well guess what I lied; you can literally procrastinate about anything and everything for as long as you need too. But why hasn't anybody realized that it's just gonna come back to bite you in the ass and then you find yourself staying up till 12:30 in the morning doing math homework that will probably take at least another hour to finish and it doesn't help that your mom keeps barging into your room to yell at you about how you still haven't finished your god damn math homework!!!
(In...out...in...out... Still not doing shit!!!)
The only way that you'll actually be able to be totally and completely "calm" will be when you have absolutely nothing that needs to be done, and you may be able to tell yourself that you''ll be fine for the time being and you can put that thing that you need to do in the back of your head and that may work until those obligations just float back up to the top and continue to nag and nag and nag which is when you decide that you may as well just kill yourself now to just be out of your misery.
But sometimes it hard to just go a head and to what needs to be done.
What am I saying? Its practically impossible to just do something the very second it needs to be done. I mean I am coming up with new and improved ways to just not do things.
For instance, after school everyday I go to a friends house and we do homework... most of the time... but lately we've been starting to do home around 6:00 and watch friends from 2:45 till then (that show never gets old). But one day while not doing homework we decide that we need to be doing something productive...so no we don't go do all of that homework that is due tomorrow and probably won't get done till the very last minute; we get the huge ass bag of M&M's from the pantry and decide to color coat them all.... It was probably the biggest waste of time in the history of the world...
We did it again last night...
But hey, its better than screwing with the Pythagorean theorem all night right? Unless you're someone who actually enjoys math then that was really an insult and I'm sorry (no I'm not).
 There really is no way to solve this problem unless you have motivation which is hard to get. So what you can try doing is just ignore the fact that you really really really don't want to do it and just take a deep breath, don't worry about not finishing it because you will eventually, and then calm down.
Or completely ignore everything I've said this entire post and just go back to not doing what you know you need to know.
I know that's exactly what I'm gonna do.
So really, the only time you're allowed to calm down is...

(well come on Pinterest gets it)
Bottom line people, thats all i'm saying.

By the way I still haven't had the time to read at all what with all the procrastinating so here is yet another link to yet another book tuber who's name is Natasha and she's fabulous: https://www.youtube.com/user/tashapolis

See ya!
- Olivia

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