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Monday, October 19, 2015

My Mother Might Kill Me

Hello again!

First of all, the only reason i'm back this soon is because this is a school assignment that has a due date that I can no longer procrastinate for.
Second, its been quite hectic with the end of the quarter less than a week away which means I have had literally zero time to read and I'm really pissed about that.  But here is a  link to another favorite book tuber of mine because I wasn't able to do any recommendations or reviews today: https://www.youtube.com/user/Katytastic

So here in Utah, UEA is approaching and I don't actually know what it is but whenever you start hearing people say "oh, what are you doing for UEA?" that means its mid October, and there is a four day weekend that people have planned for. Like people have been discussing these plans since the last break. So now that it is finally approaching my mother has decided to yell at me a lot. Like way more than usual. Like I'm scared for life. It all started when she realized that she'll be cooking for, to quote, "50,000 people!" and  realized that she hasn't packed yet. Now this probably doesn't seem like that big of a deal, and under other circumstances it wouldn't be. But this is different.
Now let my take it back about 12 years to when my parents bought a house in southern Utah. When I was 3 I didn't have much of an opinion about it except that it wasn't as bright as Vegas was with its serious lack of stop lights (there are literally zero stoplights here). But it didn't take me very long to realize that this place is the land of the hippies with only 1 clothing store that strictly sells tye-dye everything and jewelry that, for some reason, is only made out of topaz. But if you weren't wearing any topaz or tie-dye then you were probably wearing khaki shorts, Birkenstocks, and a walking stick that you'll go hiking with. You can probably imagine what the people here look like. shortly after we moved here my mother decided she's just "not gonna give a shit" about what she wears when she comes. So this means her closet has accumulated and endless supply of sweatpants that for some reason only go to the middle of her calf, smart wool socks that go above the knee, t-shirts that either have hearts, stars, or peace signs on them, and these weird ass "arch supporting" shoes that she only wears when she comes here. But at least she's not wearing these:
Who even took this photo?

I mean seriously what the hell?
But back to my mothers poor choice of wardrobe. We've had this house for 12 years and it wasn't until recently that she decided to lose her shit and bring different clothes with her.
Ok so its partially my fault that she's out for my blood. If it wasn't for me pointing out how she usually looks when we come here, she wouldn't have thought to bring other clothes. After giving her this information, I realized what a big idiot I was and got  ready to run and hide under my bed for the rest of my life when she grabbed me by my arm, dragged me into her room and sat me on the floor with the intention of having me HELP her pack. But what really ended up happening was her showing me two options, me choosing one, and then her choosing to bring the other one. This went on till about 11:30 on a Tuesday night. Considering I had neglected to do any homework that whole day, I was panicking just a little. Eventually she released my and I then did homework for another 2 hours which was just so damn fun...
*4 days Later*
Holy shit she doesn't look completely homeless!! This is a miracle!!!
I have also managed to make it the entire weekend with my head still attached. I'd consider this break a success.
Also for those of you who can't get sarcasm, this post is very very very over dramatic and I love my mother,  I don't think she'd ever kill me so clam down.
See ya!
- Olivia 

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