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Thursday, October 22, 2015


Has anybody every wondered why we get so attached to fictional characters?
Okay I should really say why fangirls (or that mythical fanboy out there somewhere) get so attached to fictional characters because your average person who casually watches TV and sees a movie or reads a book every now and again doesn't know what the hell I am talking about.
Now I think I can speak for all of everyone of the fandom world members when I say that the word "casually" does no exist in our vocabulary. We don't just "casually" "like" things; we obsess over them until they consume our soul, and our entire existence becomes devoted to that one thing. Whether its a band (member), TV show, a movie, or a book, it becomes our life and there is no way out of it.
This may sound extreme, but like I said, if "casually" isn't a word that exists in our vocabulary, then extreme is the only word that does.
Back to fictional characters: For me, it all started when I read Divergent by Veronica Roth for the first time (yes, there was a second time) and I decided I was going to marry Tobias Eaton, and Tris Prior would be my best friend. I became invested in these characters and they eventually became all I talked about. Like the only thing. That was it. Nothing else.
It shouldn't be a surprise that this really really really pissed off my parents.
Here's how a conversation would go:

Mom: So, Olivia how was your day?
Me: Pretty good
Mom: Bill How was your day?
Dad: I went for a wa-
Me: I think that Tris is gonna die
Mom: Oliv-
Me: Like actually though, she might not make it what is gonna happen to Four if she doesn't make it I mean will he ever love ever again? and I mean Tori, I really did not see that coming!! and Peter that little sh-
Dad: Do you ever stop talking?

... Basically...
It only got worse. By the time I actually got to Allegiant (the 3rd and final book in the Divergent series) it was spring break and my family and I were in a hotel in France. This was the first time I had been to Paris and in the end I'd say I had a good time, other than me sobbing for the majority of the week about the ending of that god damn book. I actually made my father read the whole series so I could have someone to talk to about it. For those of you who've read it, you know what ending I'm talking about. For those of you who haven't; what the hell are you doing with your life? Go read it. Right now.
A few years before this, there was of course the Grey's Anatomy emotional roller coaster that I won't even get into because I don't want to talk about Derek.
Thank you Twitter

But this whole obsession thing has just gone in a spiral motion for me, it started with Grey's, Divergent, and then the Cassandra Clare obsession who honestly deserves her own separate post. But I will say, that Cassandra Clare is the author of the Shadow Hunter chronicles which is becoming a TV show on January 12 2016  and I can not express how excited I am for this show to be real, I'm already obsessing, or I actually have been since the begging.

Okay that's enough obsessing for now.
See ya!
- Oilvia

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