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Sunday, November 22, 2015

New York is Big

I have actually zero time to write this... 
This post is due in approximately 2 hours and I am busy so this is gonna be quick and poorly written so I apologize. 
How is this photo a thing?
Ok, for those of you who give a shit about how my life is going (yay you!) I am in New York right now which is one of my favorite places in the world. Why? I love the city so so so much and needles to say, Park City, Utah isn't exactly a city... Ok, yeah Salt Lake City is a city but let be real, its in Utah and I personally believe that Utah is boring as hell. Thats right I said it, Utah is boring and I know I live in the place with "the greatest snow on earth" but - friends I apologize for this- I don't like skiing... I'm not saying I didn't try to like it I really gave every lesson my all. But when your a 7 year old who moves from Las Vegas, Nevada where your literally burning in hell year round, to a place who's temperatures range from freezing cold to a "warm summer day" in Antartica, it's kind of hard to adapt. Every. Single. Person (minus like 4)  I know, loves to ski. (or snowboard but were not getting into that argument just yet). They're all like stupidly good at it too. I mean, they've been doing it since birth so why wouldn't they be? They could probably go to the next Winter Olympics and bring home the gold at the age of 15. I am not kidding. 
So its been established that all my friends are hard core skiers and I am...well.. not. 
This brings me back to why I love cities so much. Theres no mountains around here and frankly I've been surrounded by mountains my whole life and I honestly believe I can live without them. Here in NY theres less mountains, skiing, ridiculously athletic fetus's, and the same amount of coldness. But here theres more people and more smiles and laughs and ideas and stories and restaurants with good food, and clothes and theaters ( ;) ) and lights and cars and buildings and book stores ( ;) ). 
So in simpler terms: PC = small, NY = big. 
I like big.
New York always has something going on, from a play every night to the naked cowboy in Times Square, you’ll probably never be bored. 
As the attractive Italian waiter said to me today, “ my life is boring in Rome, So I mov to New York” his English was shit but his face sure wasn’t. 
In Park City there’s a lot of beautiful mountains, which I’ve expressed I’ve seen enough of.
I have strong feelings towards Utah…
Needless to say, I do not plan on living there for very much longer.
But New York is great, I just saw Wicked which was fantastic. I realized after working on Shrek, that there were quite a few similarities between the two, and the plays both being musicals was not one of them. The main characters both being green wasn’t one either…. (although that did occur to me much later than it should have). I started to notice the things that I feel like most people wouldn’t. Like where they put their microphones (on their forehead) and how the flying monkeys are actually able to fly ( someone puts on a harness and throws them across the stage). It was quite interesting actually to see all this. But again Wicked, and almost everything about New York  is interesting so I’m happy.
Not that any of y’all particularly care about my well being but I don’t really care…
See ya!

 P.S. Ya’ll should just start expecting another fabulous booktuber  at the end of all these: Her name is Sasha and yes, she's fabulous

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