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Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Its a Miracle

Its a miracle!!
I'm actually reading!!
Ok I'm reading like 5 books at once but at least I'm doing something other than homework so I'd say life is pretty good. 
I haven't actually finished any of these 5 books yet and they are probably not gonna be finished until like Thanksgiving break. But who knows, I may finish them all tomorrow; but probably no, lets not get  ahead of ourselves here.
Okay enough of that really boring intro: this week I am going ti give some descriptions about these 5 beautiful books.

The Martian By Andy Weir
So I started this like 50000 years ago and I am still only 150 pages into this 300 page book. It's not that its bad or anything, its just that - although I like to think otherwise - my life has been taken over by homework assignments and the stress of school. Also this book has a lot to do with math; I am someone who does not like math. At all. What so ever. Nope. So I take a break every now and then.
But this book is actually amazing; if yawl haven't already seen the movie then read the book AND see the movie because its actually fantastic. This book follows Mark Watney; an astronaut who was left alone on Mars after the rest of his crew decided that he had died in a really bad storm. After the rest of the crew leaves Mark is of course found not dead and he has to figure out how to survive on Mars completely alone. He thinks there is not hope, that he'll most likely die on Mars just a few days after everyone thought he died.  But of course, this book was turned into a Hollywood blockbuster, not some no budget independent film, so we can all expect a happy ending that seemed virtually impossible.
Not that I'm trashing Hollywood, those guys are fantastic.
Bottom line is go read the Martian & see the movie because Matt Damon...and a bunch of other really cool people.

Point of Retreat By Colleen Hoover

It's about time everyone here learns about my love for the fabulous Colleen Hoover.
Heres what you need to know: This lady can write like no other. Her writing style doesn't really follow any specific format, each book is different and amazing. Specifically her characters are what I read her books for. They are so cool!! I know, i know, a lot of things are "so cool!!!!!!" but there is really no other better way to convey the epic-ness that is Colleen Hoovers wonderful characters.
Point of Retreat is the second book in the Slammed series that I started back in like July. I had started the second book but then I ended up needing internet to continue reading, but while being at a Lake House in Friendship (Friendship) Wisconsin its as if I went back a couple hundred years to when internet was not a thing.  Needless to say I didn't start it till this past Sunday. This series follows Lakeyn and Will who have both recently lost their parents and now have to take care of their 11 year old siblings plus they endure many hardships along the way blah blah blah, you get the point. Needless to say its absolutely fantastic.

Anna and the French kiss by Stephanie Perkins

Ok I know, the title is pretty crappy as far as title goes but DO NOT be fooled by the cheesiest title of all time. Stephanie Perkins is actually a guinness. This one follows Ann who has been forced to move to paris to attend boarding school for her senior year of high school where she meets a bunch of really cool people and a really attractive french, British, American guy. I've read it 3 times so that should be enough convincing.

Lastly I would like to mention Winter by Stephanie Meyer, which I currently am not reading right now because of all the other books i've got going on at the moment. But this one like just came out so here is Ms. Meyer's website and the unbelievable beautiful cover
See ya!!

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