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Monday, March 21, 2016

Finals, Death, and The Galapagos islands

I might die.
Like actually die.
Finals are going to kill me.
Its only Monday and I am already dying.
Lets do the math, how many tests do I have this week?
Ap Geography: 4 (4 F**KING TESTS! 4!!)
English: 2
Math: FML
Spanish: 1 (Ms. Alp I love you)
Bio: 0 (....)

Finals always have me thinking of this impending doom called graduation. I know I still have a while but soon "a while" is gonna turn into one last week of finals that I do not want to think about.
But I think about it all the god damn time because I'm an over thinker (understatement of the year).
It will start with an assignment or test that I have do or study for. Then I think "oh its fine, I'll do this later" I'm also a procrastinator ( another understatement).Eventually later happens then I think about all the other things that are gonna happen, and then graduation is one of those things that is "gonna happen" and thinking about the fact if it is actually going to happen. I can't be sure and at this point in time I know there is absolutely nothing I can do about it but that doesn't stop my mind from trying to scare the living shits out of me.
But I just have to remember that if graduation is eventually gonna happen that means the weekend is eventually gonna happen and that means that this will end one day.
Also, spring break is gonna happen real soon hear and I can't fucking wait.
Like I said, school is going to kill me. Slowly but surely. On second though, its not gonna happen slowly at all, its gonna be a sword known as "the due date" that will stab me in the back while I'm still battling with the last test I took.
 School is like where all the fictional villains in stories go to plan how they are going to kill you. And then you walk into this lair every day expecting some better out come which never happens.
Until you oneway, maybe, possibly, graduate. Then you move onto some other horror shop called life which I also don't want to talk about right now but, like I have stated in the past, I can not seem to stop talking about the inevitable.  One day I will devote an entire post on my ability to over think things and how it is running my life.
Again, spring break is approaching and that has turned into my new motto: Every time another assignment is thrusted into my side in the shape of a dagger I silently chat “spring break” in my head. 
I am not the only one who does this.
I am also not crazy. Just a sleep deprived, caffeine dependent, human being who hates homework.
In many places this is considered normal.
But back to spring break (again). I am going to the Galapagos islands which should be pretty cool and hopefully not involve me waking up at the crack of dawn every god damn day. I am also going with a friend (also known as ….) of mine who is just as lazy as I am so this shouldn’t whole attempting to sleep thing shouldn’t be too big of a problem. 
While at the Galapagos I also hope to be doing a bit of reading, and not doing school work.
You know, if I’m not dead before that…
See ya!


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