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Monday, March 21, 2016

November 9. Written By: My favorite Person

 Hi! Ok this is really late and i’m an idiot but long story short I have been reading and it makes me so happy.
But first let me just say that the internet is really annoying and I cant deal with it. I wrote this post quite some time ago and as you can see this post was not published on that day. What happens is I start writing a post, I nearly finish writing that post and then forget about it and don’t publish it till after the assignment is due.
But now I’m gonna talk about a book
a very good book.
A book that made me smile. 
(This part was written a while ago.)
Anybody know who Colleen Hoover is?
well, in case you are new here, she is the best person.
My favorite person
Bottom line. 
(****WARNING: SPOILERS!!!!****) 
She wrote this book called November 9 which is my actual life.
This story follows Fallon O’Neil, the daughter of a semi-famous actor who had his own TV show a while back.  Fallon was once an actress herself, who also had her own TV show (Colleen loves cable apparently). She was once a very successful actor as well. Until the fire.
Now the fire is the main issue throughout the is whole book and just causes so many fucking (please excuse my french) issues for the main characters its not even funny. 
I’m getting ahead of myself.
But anyways.
We begin on November 9th with Fallon eating lunch with her father who she blames for this fire that ruined her acting career. Her father is trying to talk her out of moving to New York because she is “no longer good enough”.
(She got burned. Now all of the mean Hollywood people don’t like her anymore. This is just a vague summary, its not vital to the story line.)
While at the specific restaurant, Fallon meets Ben (whose last name I don’t remember).
Ben is my favorite person. ( The writing of this post is getting increasingly childish but I do not care.)
Ben, overhearing an argument between Fallon and her father, takes it upon himself to intervene.  
“HI I’m Ben, your daughter’s boyfriend.”
“Your what?” Fallon’s father asks her.
Fallon, having never seen this man in her life is utterly dumbfounded.
But because this is a Colleen Hoover book, she just goes along with it.
Fallon’s father, being none the wiser, decides to believe Ben.
After continuing this argument with Ben present, Fallon’s father leaves having not convinced her to not move.
Ben and Fallon continue to get to know each other for a little while. Mainly consisting of Ben telling her she should be more confident. Eventually they leave this restaurant and continue to talk at Fallon’s place. Ben realizes the.n that Fallon is leaving that very night to move to New York. Having no more than 3 hours left together they spend that time ASLEEP. Like they fell asleep because they were just so damn tired apparently (sarcasm). 
Waking up about 3o minutes before Fallon has to leave, they decide that they will see each other every November 9th for the next 5 years so that Ben can write a book about the two of them Called… wait for it… November 9.
This story is so much more than anyone would ever think with its screwy plot twists and intricate characters that I believe to be my actual friends.  That might just be because I am a fangirl and believe that every fictional character is my friend. But anyways Colleen’s characters are the real deal. 
I’ll stop right there. 
I want all of y’all to actually read this book so…
See Ya! 

P.S here is a link to Colleen’s books that all of you should read so we can all enjoy the magnificence that is Colleen Hoover. 

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