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Monday, March 21, 2016

Reviewing/ranting/Sophie Kinsella


Ok school sucks and I hate it. And I wanna go home, why am I awake at 7:55 in the morning. Or more specifically, why am I like at school right now? Like WTF Ugh! ok moving on.
So its been about a month since I've written last and well, a bit has happened in that time. I have failed a geography test, read The 5th wave, didn't see the movie, went to LA which was really really fun and yeah, basically the last month.
Moving On.
you know what I'm gonna do when I get home, imma read.
Well first I'm gonna read pride & Prejudice for English which really isn't a bad book at all its just I don't want to read it right now cuz its required for me to read and when something is required for someone to do something it automatically makes them not want to do it anymore. Like this is science trust me. So in light of me neglecting to read P&P I have been reading another book which I'm going to talk about for a little while cuz damn it I want to.
So The Undomestic Goddess by Sophie Kinsella is currently my favorite thing in the world. And its not just the story that I love, and y'all know how much I love stories ( I think, I may need to write a separate post on that specifically). But what I love about this book, or any of Sophie Kinsella's books for that matter, is how vivid it is. When a setting is described I immediately feel like I'm there in the book watching the characters play out their life Like I'm Ebenezer Scrooge chilling with the ghost of christmas whatever. And the thing is, usually I hate descriptive scenes where the author takes 500000 years to describe what the inside of a tent looks like *cough cough* Lani Taylor *cough cough*. But with Sophie's books I genuinely enjoy it. its like I'm right there. When Samantha (main character) is learning how to cook with Iris (fellow main-ish character) I'm just reading with my mouth watering because I now want to eat all of this beautiful yet fictional food.
I may have a problem.
Or, Sophie Kinsella is just an amazing author.
In a brief summary of The undomestic Goddess, we follow Samantha Sweeting who is a lawyer/badass/epic human in general.
Anyways, after a particularly important paper gets lost amiss her extremely unclean desk, she then leaves her office, gets on a train, and doesn't come back...
Ending up in a small town with a big house, she knocks on the door asking for some water and an aspirin.
a women opens the door and gives her something a bit stronger than aspirin.
A day later Samantha wakes up with a new job as a Housekeeper.
I won't go into much more detail because I want every person ever to read this book without knowing every thing that happens.
Now I have to go study.
See ya!

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