About Me

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Spewing Thoughts

Blogging is really difficult to be honest. Especially when it is an English assignment. You gotta keep up with deadlines and make sure your writing doesn't suck too much because usually (at least for me) it sucks really bad. you gotta make sure your posts are not too long or too short and make sure there at least somewhat interesting.
Me, back in the day
When I first started blogging I would write like endive novels and I know that I got bored reading them. Now though I feel much better about what I'm writing about.  I feel that its actually pretty interesting. Except when I'm ranting, I really don't know whats going through my mind. But over the year my ability to get thoughts out of my head and onto the internet has increased significantly. Today I believe that my ability to form coherent thoughts is at the best it has ever been.
I have really enjoyed being able to rant on an alternative source rather than just to my friends  because they are probably getting sick of it. They don't have a choice though, they have to listen to the ranting. But this way I can spew out what I have been thinking for a very long time and I can not force anyone to listen/read it.
Being able to discuss Cassandra Clare and other fantastic authors has been absolutely amazing. I honestly love the conversation I get to have it my self. The spewing thoughts thing is really fun.
When I first started this blog I saw it mainly as a job that has to be done but through out the year I have really begun to enjoy it. As I am writing one of my last posts for the year I think I might continue this blogging thing some day. Except I'd probably start a different one with a less awful title.
I've also realized that I actually really like to write. I'm not very good at it but maybe one day I will be. Who knows? The thing is that I have trouble with doing things without explicit directions to get it done. Basically I need discipline or some type of motivated because if I don't have one I am not going to do it.
Moving on.
 By the way, the only reason I am writing about my blogging experience is because, yes, it is another assignment.
I don't know if anyone else would think that I have improved much since the beginning of the year in terms of writing, but I believe I have. At least the writing process has become easier. I find it so much simpler to just start writing about something now than at the beginning of the year. I no longer think about what I am going to write about a week in advance. Although just in case you do have trouble this website is extremely helpful.
Anyways the point I am trying to make is that blogging can be fun if you like spewing thoughts out to the world. Even if no one reads them, it's still fun to spew thoughts.
I am not sure if I am going to be post anymore after this btw.
Goodbye for now!

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

"Coffee please, and a shot of cynicism" - Lorelai Gilmore

Once again I have been thinking.
I think quite a bit, I know.  This is the kind of thinking where I form some type of theory that you can choose to ignore if you'd like to.
First off let me mention that I have been watching Gilmore Girls (and theres gonna be a revival!!)It is just as good as everyone else says it is, trust me. I started watching it a little while ago and was just kinda "ehhh" about it but now I am utterly in love. This show goes on the shelf with like Grey's Anatomy and The Vampire Diaries and The Mindy Project. Like its good. Following young and single mother, Lorelai Gilmore, and her 16 year old daughter Rory (also named Lorelai) this show takes place in a crazy small town where everyone knows everyones business, coffee seems to go hand in hand with oxygen, and you can never ever be too sarcastic.
Lauren Graham and baby Alexis Bledel are my favorite people ever (at the moment). But also, this show is actually hilarious.
my favorite people
But anyways, I bring up the Gilmore girls because they gave me this idea that you can literally get out of any unwanted situation, and feel somewhat accomplished, if your response is a sarcastic one.
Just about every single line in that show is some kind of sarcastic come back that just makes me laugh. If you know anything about me at all I believe that sarcasm is actually kind of a good thing.  I think it prepares you for any possible assholes who will ever cross your path and arm you with the right comeback to shut them up and make them feel small and stupid. Only assholes deserve to feel small and stupid. Sarcasm is also a good way to break the ice, hoping that your company has at least some sense of humor. Which if they are human beings who have ever smiled in their life, I believe they have a sense of humor.
However, don't make every thing you say a sarcastic remark because then everyone you talk to won't know if you are telling the truth or not. This happened to me last week... People actually can not tell if I am telling the truth or not anymore. I am ashamed. Only slightly.
The sarcastic thing also works if you got a creep breathing down your back. Like I have said before, these sarcastic comebacks, if given the correct way, can make the receiver feel small and stupid which is exactly what you want this creeper to feel. Now this might sound like a stupid idea as you do not want to possibly piss off your potential creeper so I would just say, unless you know extended self defense, do not try this on people who are significantly bigger than you and has any kind of visible way of pinning you down. But if all you need to do is shut 'em up, then the comebacks are a good way to go. They are pretty simple too. Now I can be witty, just not when needed. But what I can do is always make my voice do that fake thing where everything I say sounds like I don't mean it. Now if you can do that, then you'll go far in life. Trust me.
Gilmore Girls is absolutely amazing and by watching it, you not only will fall in love with Lorelai and Rory but also learn a thing or two about what makes a good comeback.
See Ya!

Monday, May 2, 2016

A Turtle Apocalypse, Cassandra Clare, and the Sun

I am now going to start every post with "its been awhile" because I've been doing that for basically every singe post I've ever written.
So hello everyone, its been awhile!
Today I am going to tell you a story.    
Believe or not, I took this photo.
A true story.
So spring break just happened and I went to the Galapagos Islands off the coast of Ecuador (for those of you who are not great at geography, Ecuador is in South America, bellow north america, you see where I'm going with this?).
We left early on a Thursday morning with my mother frantically asking questions that she already asked and knew the answer to as well. But that didn't stop her (nothing does.
Eventually she shoved me out the door and I piled into the white minivan that housed the Sheinberg family.
So this family that I speak of consists of a mother, a father, and three kids who like to annoy everyone around them (specifically the youngest). Some people might think "why would you go on a trip with these people?" Well the snare to that is they are like my second family, and I their 4th kid so I get a chance to be an average annoying sibling, as posed to my only child life. I love being an only child, but this gives me a chance to scream and yell and not get "shushed" all the time.
Anyways we made our way to the airport and off to Atlanta where our plane was delayed about 5 years for no actual reason. Eventually we landed in Quito and this is when I realized something. So my mother is full blooded Italian and thus she drives like one. If you don't know how Italians drive, think of it like its the apocalypse and everyone is trying to get to their supposed shelter before they get blown up or eat by a zombie: it's every man for themselves. back in Quito, I began to think that just about everyone outside the U.S drives like its the apocalypse.
When we got to the hotel with our limbs still attached we spent a night there and learned some new things about Ecuador: 1. Swiss food in South America is weird, and 2. Apparently you need to wear swim caps in pools there and no one really knows why. Of course us tourist americans were not aware of this, and ended up using plastic shower caps which, I'm sure you can imagine, looked just brilliant.
Then we got on a flight to Baltra island where the airlines are shitty and the flight attendants even shittier. Not trying to be mean but its just the truth. When we got to Baltra island we got on a bus..then on a ferry... then on another bus... then onto the boat we would be staying on.
Now this boat was beautiful and the food was unbelievably amazing but I get see sick so I spent quite a bit of time napping.
About the napping: so this is spring break right? when your supposed to relax? and, you know, SLEEP IN!??!? Well this boat that housed the really nice, but stupid naturalist who I couldn't help but resent, had other idea.
The boat that we were on had a bunch of old retired couples and then us kids, so when Byron, the nice but stupid naturalist, decided that we would be waking up at 6 am every fucking day so that we could go on a hike and not be too hot. I hate hiking. I hate everything about hiking. I honestly believe it is one of the worst things ever but you know, thats just my opinion.
I was not the only one who really was not up for the whole 6 am thing. I realized that the all the Sheinberg children were actually crying and I thought in that moment, "I love you people, this is exactly how I feel about this situation". Of course I didn't say that, me being a guest and all.
So in the end Annie and I decided to opt out of the morning hikes, but there being no other time for  breakfast, we would stumble down stairs at approximately 6:30 every morning and sleep through breakfast with the rest of the boat. So in the end I spent quite a bit of the trip napping in bed, napping on the deck and napping on the beach. It was frankly awesome.
Other than the napping we went snorkeling, saw some sharks, got scared shitless, went kayaking, saw  some sea lions who were really fucking adorable and quite a bit of turtles. To quote Zoe, "its the turtle  apocalypse!" It honestly was.
I also spent some time reading Lady Midnight (which is the best thing ever and y'all have to read it) on the deck which was probably a highlight of the trip. Each room had its own personal deck and everyday I would go out there and read that bible of a book and love every minute of it.
Reading that book on the beaches we went to was also spectacular.
Over all I was able to get a tan and read another Cassandra Clare book so I consider This vacation a success.
See Ya!