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Monday, May 2, 2016

A Turtle Apocalypse, Cassandra Clare, and the Sun

I am now going to start every post with "its been awhile" because I've been doing that for basically every singe post I've ever written.
So hello everyone, its been awhile!
Today I am going to tell you a story.    
Believe or not, I took this photo.
A true story.
So spring break just happened and I went to the Galapagos Islands off the coast of Ecuador (for those of you who are not great at geography, Ecuador is in South America, bellow north america, you see where I'm going with this?).
We left early on a Thursday morning with my mother frantically asking questions that she already asked and knew the answer to as well. But that didn't stop her (nothing does.
Eventually she shoved me out the door and I piled into the white minivan that housed the Sheinberg family.
So this family that I speak of consists of a mother, a father, and three kids who like to annoy everyone around them (specifically the youngest). Some people might think "why would you go on a trip with these people?" Well the snare to that is they are like my second family, and I their 4th kid so I get a chance to be an average annoying sibling, as posed to my only child life. I love being an only child, but this gives me a chance to scream and yell and not get "shushed" all the time.
Anyways we made our way to the airport and off to Atlanta where our plane was delayed about 5 years for no actual reason. Eventually we landed in Quito and this is when I realized something. So my mother is full blooded Italian and thus she drives like one. If you don't know how Italians drive, think of it like its the apocalypse and everyone is trying to get to their supposed shelter before they get blown up or eat by a zombie: it's every man for themselves. back in Quito, I began to think that just about everyone outside the U.S drives like its the apocalypse.
When we got to the hotel with our limbs still attached we spent a night there and learned some new things about Ecuador: 1. Swiss food in South America is weird, and 2. Apparently you need to wear swim caps in pools there and no one really knows why. Of course us tourist americans were not aware of this, and ended up using plastic shower caps which, I'm sure you can imagine, looked just brilliant.
Then we got on a flight to Baltra island where the airlines are shitty and the flight attendants even shittier. Not trying to be mean but its just the truth. When we got to Baltra island we got on a bus..then on a ferry... then on another bus... then onto the boat we would be staying on.
Now this boat was beautiful and the food was unbelievably amazing but I get see sick so I spent quite a bit of time napping.
About the napping: so this is spring break right? when your supposed to relax? and, you know, SLEEP IN!??!? Well this boat that housed the really nice, but stupid naturalist who I couldn't help but resent, had other idea.
The boat that we were on had a bunch of old retired couples and then us kids, so when Byron, the nice but stupid naturalist, decided that we would be waking up at 6 am every fucking day so that we could go on a hike and not be too hot. I hate hiking. I hate everything about hiking. I honestly believe it is one of the worst things ever but you know, thats just my opinion.
I was not the only one who really was not up for the whole 6 am thing. I realized that the all the Sheinberg children were actually crying and I thought in that moment, "I love you people, this is exactly how I feel about this situation". Of course I didn't say that, me being a guest and all.
So in the end Annie and I decided to opt out of the morning hikes, but there being no other time for  breakfast, we would stumble down stairs at approximately 6:30 every morning and sleep through breakfast with the rest of the boat. So in the end I spent quite a bit of the trip napping in bed, napping on the deck and napping on the beach. It was frankly awesome.
Other than the napping we went snorkeling, saw some sharks, got scared shitless, went kayaking, saw  some sea lions who were really fucking adorable and quite a bit of turtles. To quote Zoe, "its the turtle  apocalypse!" It honestly was.
I also spent some time reading Lady Midnight (which is the best thing ever and y'all have to read it) on the deck which was probably a highlight of the trip. Each room had its own personal deck and everyday I would go out there and read that bible of a book and love every minute of it.
Reading that book on the beaches we went to was also spectacular.
Over all I was able to get a tan and read another Cassandra Clare book so I consider This vacation a success.
See Ya!

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