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Thursday, May 12, 2016

Spewing Thoughts

Blogging is really difficult to be honest. Especially when it is an English assignment. You gotta keep up with deadlines and make sure your writing doesn't suck too much because usually (at least for me) it sucks really bad. you gotta make sure your posts are not too long or too short and make sure there at least somewhat interesting.
Me, back in the day
When I first started blogging I would write like endive novels and I know that I got bored reading them. Now though I feel much better about what I'm writing about.  I feel that its actually pretty interesting. Except when I'm ranting, I really don't know whats going through my mind. But over the year my ability to get thoughts out of my head and onto the internet has increased significantly. Today I believe that my ability to form coherent thoughts is at the best it has ever been.
I have really enjoyed being able to rant on an alternative source rather than just to my friends  because they are probably getting sick of it. They don't have a choice though, they have to listen to the ranting. But this way I can spew out what I have been thinking for a very long time and I can not force anyone to listen/read it.
Being able to discuss Cassandra Clare and other fantastic authors has been absolutely amazing. I honestly love the conversation I get to have it my self. The spewing thoughts thing is really fun.
When I first started this blog I saw it mainly as a job that has to be done but through out the year I have really begun to enjoy it. As I am writing one of my last posts for the year I think I might continue this blogging thing some day. Except I'd probably start a different one with a less awful title.
I've also realized that I actually really like to write. I'm not very good at it but maybe one day I will be. Who knows? The thing is that I have trouble with doing things without explicit directions to get it done. Basically I need discipline or some type of motivated because if I don't have one I am not going to do it.
Moving on.
 By the way, the only reason I am writing about my blogging experience is because, yes, it is another assignment.
I don't know if anyone else would think that I have improved much since the beginning of the year in terms of writing, but I believe I have. At least the writing process has become easier. I find it so much simpler to just start writing about something now than at the beginning of the year. I no longer think about what I am going to write about a week in advance. Although just in case you do have trouble this website is extremely helpful.
Anyways the point I am trying to make is that blogging can be fun if you like spewing thoughts out to the world. Even if no one reads them, it's still fun to spew thoughts.
I am not sure if I am going to be post anymore after this btw.
Goodbye for now!

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