About Me

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Dear Christine

Dear Christine,

I found you a couple years ago when I first started to enjoy reading. It was an accident honestly. Casually browsing my Instagram, someone told me to subscribe to you on Youtube and because I was  thoroughly convinced that sounded like bullshit, I decided to link on the link the prove a point.
I was wrong.
After watching your book lions video I watched all your videos.  And then I showed them all to my friend, who is actually writing a post about you too.
You introduced me to the "booktube" community which is something I didn't know existed before you. Checking to see if you had a new video up became the best par to my day. I think I've seen all your videos twice. Including the ones on your comedy channel, of course.
Ok, real quick: for those of you who don't know, Christine is a book tuber who makes amazing videos all about books (i.e the definition of a book tuber). Like, everything that has to do with books, I didn't even know it was possible to talk about books that much and still be interested. But I was happily surprised.
Back to Christine: Both your comedy and book channel are the reasons why I wanted to write my blog.
Books and ranting are my two of my favorite things in the world.
I am not kidding. 
It just seemed right
Back when my friend and I first started watching your videos we tried to make a youtube channel too, but we were just too lazy. The blogging thing takes much less effort. I know that sounds bad but its the truth. We would much rather just watch your fabulous videos, instead of making our own much shittier ones.
While watching your videos I realized I relate to you on a real level. Now I'm not trying to become your best friend or anything but whenever you make some thought or comment or express your opinion about something, I always find myself screaming out "SAAAAMMEE". This happens just about every time I watch one of your videos.
So this post is supposed to be to the person who inspired me to write about this specific topic, and you are why I chose the topics of books and ranting. 
Believe it or not I genuinely love hearing your ridiculous stories about your life; I honestly find them quite interesting. Which gave me the idea to tell ridiculous stories on my blog, which is really really fun. I know they aren’t as great as yours but still, it humors me and I needed and something to write about that wasn’t a sport like everyone else in my grade was writing about. I know it may seem like I’m not a true parkite because I don’t mention how amazing the snow is every 2 sentences and thats completely the truth, I am not a true parkite. But I am totally not judging the real parkites, you blog about what you wanna blog about. But Imma do the same.
This brings me to your Book channel. I enjoy watching your book haul videos wayyyyy more than I should. So I thought I’d write about that too. Thats really really fun too.
But you’re amazing and just a spectacular human in general (I hope that sentence wasn’t cree, it wasn’t meant to be).
Lastly heres a link to the fabulous Christine Riccio youtube channel, or other wise known as Polandbananas20

See ya!

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